Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 23 - Innovative

In turning my perspective to the other side, I figured I would start in the place where I was taught to “look for the good.” The idea of these posts is to compliment, but not just for the sake of being nice, but rather to be genuine. I always say to the teachers I train, “Don’t just hand out compliments to be nice, but give it to them because the deserve it.” So my exercise right now is to look into my soul and see the real good.

John Friend is one of my greatest teachers of all time. He is one of the great innovators of yoga and I was fortunate enough to be a product of his innovations. His skill and insight helped shaped me into the person I am today. He taught me more about yoga, asana, meditation, pranayama and the business of yoga than anyone else I have ever had as a teacher. He mentored me like I was his little brother with love and care. John is a master orator, practitioner and visionary. His magnanimous, charismatic, quite frankly, contagious (in a good way). He draws you in to believe in yourself and life. His energy is powerful. When you are near him, you don’t want to leave him. So, today I celebrate John for being one of this world’s greatest yogis in all aspects of what yoga is - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Thank you John.

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Ok, Mitchel - this is the first time I've read a blog page let alone made a comment! I am having YTT withdrawal symptoms and it's only 4.5hrs since we all said goodbye to you :-( I want you to know that on reading your most recent posting and your comments about John Friend that I feel the same about you as you do about him. Granted, I haven't known you for very long but your influence in my life has been HUGE! Your energy is very powerful and has propelled me in a direction I've been wanting to go in for a very long time but lacked the courage/commitment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will miss you but am so eternally grateful that I am able to take a piece of you with me on the journey ahead. Namaste - Kirsty.