Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 24 - Searching

The day started with Beck playing his favorite game - take the cable card out of the cable box. Usually I’m right on top of him and grab it from him, but today I had put in a new Baby Einstein DVD and left him to make my playlist for this morning (well not exactly left him, I was sitting 5 feet from him). My playlist was called “gone missing,” which was exactly what happened to it right as I completed it. I thought I was erasing one song, but instead erased the whole playlist. Oh well, that’s what I get for naming a playlist “gone missing.” I reconstructed the playlist, but the cable card was still gone. All day long, no cable card. Where did he put it? Where did it go?

All I could think of all day is how much time we spend looking for things including, and maybe most importantly, the moment when, of course, it is there all the time - right in front of us, inside us and all around us. I kept looking for the card all day long, until I realized that the looking became the point, not the finding. At that point I stopped making finding the card the point and just enjoyed the search. Still haven’t found it, but I guess the searching is the point (or is that to get the point). 

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